This Sunday is Anzac Day. In these hard and unprecedented times, many of our freedoms have been restricted. However, it is now more important than ever to remember that we still have our ultimate freedom; our freedom of ethnic, religious, and political identity. We are free to live in peace, as citizens of a democratic, diverse and inclusive country. And this is something that we owe to those who lost their lives fighting in all wars.
As we read in Romans 12:1, “I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship”. These heroic men and women sacrificed themselves on the altar that Jesus talked about: freedom. Thanks to them, our generation does not need to experience the atrocities of war again.
Here at New Faith Network, we would like to dedicate our Sunday to honouring these heroes. For this reason, we have selected three must-sees that narrate the stories of people whose fearless fights changed the world. This is the least we can do in order to express our sincere gratitude to them.
‘The Hiding Place‘

Corrie ten Boom was a Dutch Evangelist who participated in the Dutch resistance. The ten Booms were a devout Christian family who owned a watchmaker shop. In fact, Corrie was the first female watchmaker in the Netherlands! In the Second World War, the family business became the place from which Corrie and her sister worked for the resistance. Over the years of the Holocaust, the family hid numerous Jews in their home, in order to help them escape the Nazis. Corrie was sought after by the Gestapo and the Dutch authorities. Eventually, an informant betrayed the resistance activity taking place in the Ten Boom home and the two sisters were taken away to a concentration camp. But their faith to God remained unquenchable. ‘The Hiding Place’ is a truly moving story about fearlessness and the beauty of the human soul.
‘Torchlighters: The Corrie ten Boom story’

Torchlighters is an animated series which narrates the stories of well-known Christians who dedicated their lives in following His example. In this enthralling episode, we get to see the brave and deeply inspiring story of Corrie ten Boom in animation.
Watch ‘Torchlighters: The Corrie ten Bom Story’
‘Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace‘

The Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the loudest German voices against Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. As a man of God, he felt the duty to act in order to reverse the savage immorality tormenting his country. This film focuses on his action from 1939 until 1945, when he paid “The Cost of Discipleship” with his own life. The film enlightens the viewer on the German resistance and the movement’s efforts to overthrow Hitler. Up until this day, Bonhoeffer is one of the best examples of a human sacrificing oneself in order to save the world from evil.