A few days ago, TIME Magazine dubbed 2020 as “the worst year ever”. Do you agree with this description? We certainly do! As we’re approaching the end of these eventful 12 months, let’s take a look at some of NFN’s films that made this year a bit more bearable for all of us.
A Question of Faith

Three families meet when several unfortunate events take place. A teenager who is texting while driving, hits a child with her car. The child’s father, a pastor-to-be, has to come to terms with the guilt of neglecting his son, as well as with the fact that he might never get the chance to make up for his unacceptable behaviour, as his son is in the hospital and his situation is critical. The teenage driver ends up in jail, which makes her hard working single mother doubt her faith in God. At the same time, a young singer who is about to record for a major music label collapses on stage, forcing her family to come to terms with the fact that their daughter might never have they future they dreamed for her, and, consequently, might never be able to help them get out of their poor economic situation. All three families have the same question: “Why is this happening to us?”. They are fighting to remain faithful besides the incredible hardships they need to go through. But their struggle will bring them together. Will their hope and faith be restored?
Amazing Love

Carrie, Cooper, Steve and Gameboy are members of a church youth group, led by Stuart and his wife, Beth. One day, a new member joins them. Her name is Ashney, and she just doesn’t seem to fit in, because of her attitude, her self-centeredness and her focus on material things. Eventually, Carrie confronts her about all of the above, and the division in the group becomes even more apparent. So, Stuart, the group leader, needs to take action. He shares the moving story of Hosea, the Old Testament prophet with them. This will teach them a few lessons about unconditional love and faith. Are the teenagers ready to be amazed by the depth of Hosea’s story, and to love each other as deeply as the Scripture teaches us to?
Runaway Romance

Ann Stanway seems to have everything: a sweet fiance, tons of money and a lot of fame. However, it seems that none of this is real, as her producer fiance is purely using her for his self-promotion. He writes her out of her own show, and puts himself on the spotlight. Deeply disappointed and hurt, Ann decides to leave Hollywood and set out for a place where people are still authentic and happy. She ends up in Amish Country, where she discovers the true meaning of life. The fact that nobody knows her there allows her to make a lot of new friends, meet a charming architect who she falls madly in love with. A story that proves that it’s never too late to reinvent yourself – everything happens for a reason!
I Believe

Brian, a 9-year-old boy, experiences a miraculous encounter with God. This sparks his interest and makes him want to discover more about what Christians believe in. However, his environment, and particularly his atheist father, is opposed to the idea of Christian faith. But Brian meets two deeply faithful people along the way. His new companions in his faith journey become the pastor of a local church, as well as a wounded US veteran. ‘I Believe’ is a story about the power of pure, uncompromising faith, as well as about all the remarkable ways in which God works.
Christmas Oranges

Believe it or not, there’s a Christmas film among the most popular films of the year! ‘Christmas Oranges’ is a real Christmas classic. Rose is an orphan girl who’s lived in Greenwoods orphanage since she was a baby. But when something tragic happens right before Christmas, she has to leave her only home and be transferred to another orphanage. The atmosphere in that new place is totally different; it feels cruel and cold. Principal Crompton instantly shows his dislike towards Rose by punishing her for no reason. It seems that this year’s Christmas won’t be jolly at all… unless a miracle happens.